Fr. Walter Lewis
Coming soon.

Deborah is retired from a local Insurance company. She acts as the ZipShirt ministry secretary and spends her volunteer hours doing inventory control, ministry development and assisting in many areas. Deborah loves to crochet and donates most of what she makes to area hospitals.

David is retired from Dominion Energy and Insurance Finance. He is the ZipShirt ministry treasurer and all-around ministry go to guy. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus and Powhatan Lions Club. He volunteers many hours to St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus, Powhatan Lions Club and the ZipShirt ministry. When not volunteering he gardens.

Ginger performs multiple tasks for the ZipShirt ministry. She enjoys being a part of the ministry and feels rewarded in knowing her efforts help make cancer patients a little more comfortable. She also enjoys volunteering at the local clothes closet and food pantry. She has been a member of St John Neumann for 42 years.

Coming soon.

Fills in wherever a helping hand is needed. She also makes Zipshirt deliveries to area Infusion centers. Marg has a BIG heart and spends most of her time volunteering for church activities, on the Bakers Guild and crocheting blankets, shawls and hats for cancer patients. She has 2 sons and 2 grandchildren.

Liturgical Coordinator at St John Neuman and web support for Zipshirt ministry. Mary is married with 2 children. She loves living in the country and spends her spare time with her dairy goats, chickens and gardening.

Mary Jane
Founder of Zipshirt ministry and a ministry seamstress. Mary Jane is married, has 2 children and 3 grandchildren. She works as a Case manager for At Home Recovery Homeaid. She enjoys sewing, crafts and making succulent arrangements.

Cuts and prepares shirts for the seamstress to finish. She also makes Zipshirt deliveries to area Infusion centers. Sandy has 1 child and 2 grandchildren who she loves spending time with. She also loves to work with the Bakers Guild, line dance, crochet and garden.